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This 10-night itinerary will take you on a journey of polar exploration to the remote northern reaches of the Svalbard Archipelago. This vast area is filled with breath-taking fjords, snowy islands and unspoilt wilderness, home to polar bears, sunbathing walruses, whales, ring seals, birds and more.

Day One Image


Day One

You will make your own international flight arrangements to Longyearbyen. Please let us know if you’d like our assistance on airline and route recommendations.

Your Arctic adventure starts in this small Norwegian town where you will be met at the airport and transferred to Funken Lodge. In the evening, Gruvelageret Restaurant will be your destination for a four-course set menu accompanied with wine pairing.

A Group Of People On A Snowy Mountain
A Couple Of Polar Bears In The Snow
A Large Boat In The Water
A Red Barn With A Motorcycle Parked In Front Of It With Lofoten In The Background
A Snowy Mountain With A Body Of Water Below
A Table With Chairs And A Table In The Snow
A Blue Iceberg In The Water
A Sign On The Beach
A Group Of People Standing On A Rocky Hill
A Boat On The Water
A Snowy Landscape With A Large Rock Formation
A Person In A Boat In The Water
A Person In A White Helmet In A Vehicle In The Snow
A Fox Walking On Snow


Your time aboard M/S Polarfront will be spent exploring the Svalbard Archipelago in search of Arctic wildlife and frozen landscapes. The exact itinerary will depend upon the weather conditions, the density of the pack ice in the north and wildlife opportunities.

During your Arctic safari you can expect to visit ice-filled fjords framed by breath-taking snow-capped peaks. Alongside stunning landscapes, go in search of polar bears as they hunt for seals, seek out sunbathing walrus and spot whales breaching in the icy seas. On shore you may come across Arctic fox, Svalbard reindeer and beautiful Arctic flora.

A Snowy Mountain With A Fence

DAY 11

You will arrive back into Longyearbyen, disembark and then time to say your final farewells and begin your journey home.

About your Specialist Expedition Leaders

With a range of backgrounds, all of our Specialist Expedition Leaders have years of experience working aboard ships in Svalbard. Whether they focus on photography, wildlife, history, culture or a mixture of all these things, they are fascinating people who will greatly add to your Arctic experience. 

Andy Mann

Andy Mann is an Emmy-nominated director, National Geographic photographer and marine conservationist whose imagery is helping tell the story of our rapidly changing planet.

Mann has worked on all seven continents, travelling the globe with world-class athletes and scientists in the name of documenting conservation and environmental change. As a lead storyteller and senior fellow for SeaLegacy and Only One, he works with students and classrooms around the world to inspire the next generation of ocean ambassadors.

A Man Wearing A Hat


Complete our enquiry form here or email us at expeditions@comohotels.com.