A Person Sitting On A Rock In A River With Trees And Plants

New Beginnings in Bali


Conversation 7 minute read

Kimberly Rose Kneier is Director of Wellness at COMO Shambhala Estate in Bali, as well as an acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. In this COMO Conversation, we speak to Kimberly Rose about holistic wellness, the importance of focusing on prevention over cure, and the value of a fully integrated retreat that harmonises mind, body and heart.

A Person Sitting On A Couch

Kimberly Rose Kneier is Director of Wellness at COMO Shambhala Estate in Bali. She has a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and over 15 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, from acupuncture practice in Hawaii to managing wellness operations in Thailand. Kimberly Rose joined COMO Shambhala Estate in 2023.

A House With A Stream Running Through It

What does wellness mean in 2024?

I’ve noticed a continued evolution of holistic health practices that prioritise physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. COMO Shambhala continues to set the trend with wellness routines that are tailored to individual needs and goals, empowering proactive control of health and optimisation of overall wellbeing. COMO Shambhala Estate feels totally unique within the wellness space. Our philosophy is centred around six ‘wellness pillars’; nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness, spa and bodywork, yoga, and adventure. We offer personalised nutrition plans, fitness regimes, mental health and mindset strategies, and more. The experience is the sum of all its parts; the beauty and natural surroundings of Bali’s jungle, combined with our holistic approach to wellness and the sheer range of therapies we offer. It’s totally immersive and wholly comprehensive.

A Person Sitting On A Deck

Did you always know that you wanted to work in holistic wellness?

I often feel as though I didn’t choose this path; this path chose me. When I was in my early twenties I studied herbal medicine, nutrition, homoeopathy, aromatherapy and other natural health practices. One of my modules covered Chinese herbal formulations, which opened up a whole new dimension for me. I began to explore acupuncture, and moved to Hawaii to work under a Chinese medicine doctor who also trained me in Tai Chi and Qigong. When I saw firsthand what he was achieving with his patients using acupuncture and herbs, I wanted to learn more. I’ve never second-guessed my decision to pursue acupuncture and TCM. I’m constantly astounded by how my patients can benefit from simple, holistic and non-invasive treatments.

How can the principles of TCM be applied to busy lives?

Chinese medicine offers timeless principles for navigating modern life. Firstly, TCM is all about balance, specifically the balance between yin and yang, as well as the body’s internal systems. In everyday life we face stress and constant stimulation, making it easy to become destabilised. TCM practices such as mindfulness, maintaining a healthy diet and having regular acupuncture, can help restore that balance. Then there’s the crucial element of prevention; TCM focuses on preventing illness rather than just treating symptoms as they appear. By paying attention to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and stress management, more serious conditions can often be avoided. One of the best things about TCM is its adaptability. We can adjust holistic health to address specific health concerns, and shape routines and recommendations around individual needs and lifestyles.

A Man And Woman Dancing
A Pan With Food In It

Is there a common misconception you can bust for me about TCM?

Absolutely! One common misconception is that TCM is solely based on ancient, mystical practices without any scientific basis. In reality, while TCM does have deep historical roots, modern research increasingly validates its effectiveness through clinical trials and scientific studies. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other TCM modalities such as moxibustion and cupping have been shown to have measurable physiological effects. These include regulating the nervous system, reducing inflammation, easing pain and improving circulation. TCM is a complex system of healthcare which combines both ancient wisdom and modern scientific evidence; it’s a valuable complement to Western medicine.

A Close-up Of Hands Holding A Baby's Feet

What’s your go-to recommendation for everyday wellness?

One of my top recommendations is to prioritise regular physical activity. Exercise not only helps maintain physical health but also has profound benefits for mental wellbeing. Whether it's going for a walk, practising yoga or Qigong, or engaging in a favourite sport, finding an activity you enjoy and incorporating it into your daily routine can have a significant impact on your overall wellness. Additionally, staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and prioritising adequate sleep are essential components of everyday wellness. Small, consistent habits can make a big difference over time.

Aidan Moffat Et Al. Sitting On A Stone Ledge In A Park

What are you excited about at COMO Shambhala Estate?

We are extremely proud of the recent launch of our five new wellness paths. They’re uniquely tailored programmes designed to address ‘unease’ rather than ‘disease’, and prevention over cure. We use expert diagnostics including body composition analysis scans and wellness consultations with our residential Chinese medicine or Ayurvedic consultant. We adjust every plan according to the results, as well as any concerns and priorities raised. Our Integrated Wellness Path offers a comprehensive mind-body reset geared towards long-term sustainable health; Fit to Perform is a chance to refine fitness goals whether through injury rehabilitation or optimising athletic performance; Detox to Restore targets digestive and environmental health; Nourish to Glow recalibrates eating habits and focuses on nourishment, tackling issues including dietary intolerances, burnout and menopause; Connect to Rebalance is a digital detox, encouraging connection with nature and restoring focus and joy. While every path offers flexibility and elements of crossover, they streamline goals to deliver targeted, personalised results.

A Collage Of A Person Sitting On A Chair In A Pool

How do you make sure guests experience meaningful, lasting change long after their stay has ended?

It’s really important to us that the recommendations we offer are easily transferable to everyday life outside the Balinese jungle. When guests leave COMO Shambhala Estate our consultants provide detailed reports and practical routines with realistic long-term targets. Any followup questions and concerns can be addressed with our consultants over email. We also check in with guests three months, six months and one year after their stay to see how they’re getting on and offer further guidance. For an in-person top-up, we’re always delighted to welcome return visitors.

Do you have a favourite spot at COMO Shambhala Estate?

The sheer beauty of the Estate always takes me by surprise, but I especially love the Kedara water garden. I’ve travelled and worked all around the world and I think it’s probably the most magical place I know. My favourite time of day to visit is in the morning, stopping off along the Estate walk — one of our daily activities here — before taking a dip in the natural springs. It never gets old. More often than not, it’s just me, the jungle, the sacred springs and the mighty Ayung river below.

A River In A Forest

For more about COMO Shambhala Estate’s new Wellness Paths, see here.